Rogue State Iran

Iran denies Israel's right to exist and wishes for its annihilation. With the help and funding of terrorist groups like Hezbollah and others, the Iranian regime is launching attacks on Israeli soil. In addition, the dictatorial regime maintains contact with the rogue state of Russia and maintains a close partnership.

The mullahs' regime does not shy away from beating and imprisoning protesting youths. There may also have been deliberate poisoning of rebellious young people in schools to intimidate them.

The attack on Israel by the Prehistoric Regime of Theran on April 14, 2024 shows once again how much a rogue state rejects the civilized world. Just like Russia, the brother rogue state sees democracies as an enemy. These villainous regimes are now working together and must all be isolated from the rest of the world. The future of these regimes is bleak.